ITV Inspeccion Tecnica de Vehiculos

The ITV – Inspección Técnica de Vehículos – Spain’s Vehicle Technical Inspection

In Spain, the periodic road worthiness inspection, is the ITV. (Inspeccion Tecnica de Vehiculos – Vehicle Technical Inspection).  Like the UK MoT test, it’s mandatory for all road going vehicles, and driving without a valid ITV can result in fines.

When Does The ITV have to be done?

The frequency of the ITV test depends on the age and type of vehicle.  New cars are first tested after 4 years and must be inspected every 2 years thereafter, until they reach 10 years of age. Any car over 10 years of age has to be tested annually.

Motorcycles, mopeds and quad bikes are first tested after 5 years, after which the test is due every 2 years. Caravans are first tested at 6 years, after which the test is due every 2 years.

If a vehicle has been involved in a serious accident, it also has to undergo an ITV assessment after being repaired, to confirm its road worthiness.

Registering a UK car in Spain

Register a UK Car in Spain

The UK is no longer in the EU and the process and costs to register a UK car in Spain are a lot more than they were before Brexit.

This is because UK cars now are now treated as vehicles from third countries and must clear customs, have import duty and VAT paid, or get a waiver if your car qualifies for customs exemption.

The process you follow will depend on your situation, as will the cost.  You’ll need to budget for costs of around €1,500 with taxes as applicable on top.

Passing the ITV in Spaiin

Passing the ITV

In Spain all vehicles are subject to regular safety checks through a road worthiness test, known as the ITV, Inspecciòn Tècnica de Vehiculos, – Vehicle Technical Inspection.

New cars are tested after 4 years, and are then required to be inspected every 2 years until the car is 10 years old.

New mopeds, quads, and motorcycles are tested after 5 years, and then every 2 years until they reach 10 years.

Any vehicle over 10 years is required to be inspected and tested every year.

All vehicles being imported to Spain are also subject to an initial special inspection before the vehicle can be registered in Spain.  This inspection has a few more checks, as along with roadworthiness, the technicians are checking that the vehicle conforms with standards.

Before undergoing the technical inspection of your vehicle, you should carry out some basic checks that can prevent the result from being unfavorable.  The list below covers the standard test and as well as the extended import inspection.

Importing a High Value Car from the UK to Spain Post Brexit

Importing a high value car from the UK in Spain post Brexit, now comes with added costs.  As the UK is no longer in the EU and the standard process to import and register a UK car in Spain now involves customs.

This means on top of the registration tax which in most cases will be 17% of the vehicle value, 10% customs duty and 21% VAT will apply, unless you can find away around it.

Paying nearly £50k to register a £100k motor is simply not a consideration.  There are however various ways these huge costs can be avoided, bringing the cost of importing and registering high value cars in Spain down to a few thousand Euros, rather than tens of thousands.